Gospel Grown exists to make the Bible come alive for children by producing biblically rich and visually captivating books.

Watching my children grow so quickly and seeing their developing minds search to make sense of this world, I eagerly wanted to seize these years and help them grasp the truths of the Bible. I wanted them to be gripped with the Bible, not as a book of stories, but a book with one story, the greatest and most enthralling story ever told, the true story that culminates in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I wanted them to encounter, enter in, and embrace this story as the only way to make sense of their story.

Gospel Grown was formed to come alongside the Church in this endeavor. We are a publishing house that brings together like-minded and gifted authors, illustrators, and designers to create gospel-centered resources for children.

Jesus said “Let the little children come to me.” The prayerful hope behind all our efforts is that our work may play a role in children coming to Jesus and growing in His likeness.

Jonny Atkinson, Founder